I'm currently working on a book. It's going to be chocka-chocka full of macramé projects so I've got macramé on the brain. And I'm teaching macramé at the San Gabriel Bead Company and I'm working on a project with a couple of really cool designers...fashion macramé. Very cool projects. Do you macramé? Do you want to macramé? I will tempt you with tidbits soon. Simple projects to get you started...you must macramé!
In addtion to that whole getting knotty thing I've been posting a bunch of goodies on etsy. Go to beadbrains.etsy.com and take a look. Bunches of sweet treats.
Speaking of sweet treats...I'm in a group show coming up. Glass artists. I'll have sweet treat jewelry. Yum! It's at the Howeeduzzit Gallery. For more info go to www.howeeduzzitgallery.com for more info. The opening is March 9th, 1-6pm. Hope to see you there.
This blog thing is new to me so keep checking for new postings. I'll begin posting projects and pictures soon.
Thanks for your time, now go make something!
How to Rip Out Cross Stitch Mistakes
I’ve recently been doing more embroidery than usual, and while I do tend to
be rather intuitive when I stitch rather than planning it out too much or
4 hours ago