Monday, December 14, 2009

Getting Ready for 2010!!

With two weeks left in the holiday shopping season I can't help but think about 2010. It will be a very busy year with exciting new adventures and endeavors. First on the list is the Pasadena Bead And Design Show in, of course, Pasadena. It's being held January 14-17, 2010. How exciting. I wandered through the summer version of this show and thought it would be a good one to try for January. And I got in. I'll have tons of beads. And a bunch of Lea Anne Hartman's silver and shibuichi work. Should be a good time.

Speaking of the holiday shopping season I've got one more Sunday at the Silverlake Art Craft and Vintage this Sunday, Dec. 20. Come on down for some last minute shopping. They hold this at the Citibank parking lot at the corner of Glendale and Silverlake Blvds. And for anyone interested in my last bead making class of 2009, it's being held this Saturday at Lighthouse Stained Glass from 11-4. There are still a couple of spaces left. You want to learn to make beads don't you? Speaking of making beads...time for me to make some more. Don't you think you should go make something too?

1 comment:

The ChainMaille Lady said...

I'll see you at the Pasadena Bead & Design Show in January. If you are interested I am teaching classes in chainmaille.