Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Book Signing & Class

I've got a class tomorrow. I know it's short notice to mention it but it's not the first time I've mentioned it's a macramé class...donut necklace. It's pretty cool. Here's a note Hands on 3rd made.
Cute ad. So if you're interested it starts at 6:00pm tomorrow. If you can't make it...bummer. But that doesn't mean you can't learn how to make the necklace. There's a video on DIY's web site from the DIY Jewelry Making where I first made this necklace...check it out here

On Saturday, June 6th, from 10:00am - 6:00pm I'll be at the San Gabriel Bead Company for a book signing for my new book, Mod Knots.

I'll also be bringing my beads for a bit of a trunk show. Whoo hoo! So if you need some cupcakes or beads for your donut necklace come on down. It's at 325 East Live Oak, Arcadia, CA 91006...626.447.7753. They're having a bead sale that weekend! 20% off all beads (except mine but my prices will be about 20% lower than retail in the store). Come on down! There will be some make and take projects...beads...books...macramé!

There are more good times ahead so check back and I'll tell you about go make something!!

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