Thursday, January 29, 2009

Back to Beads

Now that CHA is a fond memory it's back to work at the torch. More beads!! And more etsy postings. But I have to say, CHA is such a fun trade show. And I can safely say it's my favorite trade show. Since I love art and craft supplies I was really in heaven. One part of me wants to use everything to make stuff and then there's the other part of me that wants to make stuff for other crafters to use. One of my first things will be my macramé boards. That'll be the first part of my future macramé kits. Of course this all coincides with the release of my book, Mod Knots. Hey check me out at CHA doing my demo...

Speaking of Mod Knots...I am so happy with my book. My publisher, North Light, has done a beautiful job on it. Happy, happy, happy!! You can pre-order it at or or

I'm trying hard to build up my blog and add stuff like other blogs and pictures and goodies and I do feel like I'm getting better at it. Check out this picture of macramé in motion!!
And check out my cute little macramé rings with sparkling dichroic beads I made.
Now go make something!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Another day at CHA and this time I was there to demo and talk about my book. Very exciting!! And I hung out with some great crafters and saw lots of cool craft supplies. It's a fun show. Especially if you like art supplies. I happen to love art supplies.

I was looking at the Speedball booth of all places. I'm playing with linoleum cuts and printing right now. It's old school crafts. The tools have not changed a bit. Well, they do have cute colored handles on the cutters.

I'm going back tomorrow for another round of craftmania. I'm demoing at 10am and then it's off to look at supplies. I should have some pictures from the show to post in the next day or so. And I'll be writing about my favorite products from the show. Now, shouldn't you go make something?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

So I went to the first day of CHA...lots of people we're gathered...oh no, I've stumbled on Paris Hilton. Well, at least I stumbled on her booth where she was hocking her craft kits and signing autographs. It was a mob scene. My buddies at the Soft Flex booth were right next door so I hung out there while the madness continued. Finally she was wisked away...I got a glimpse. But I may get a couple of shots of her to post. Scott of Soft Flex was right up front and got some really amazing shots of her. She is pretty cute. And what a scene she caused. At a craft show no less...

So I'm going back tomorrow. It's time for me to demo macrame. I'll be there at 2:00 to do my thing...I'll report back tomorrow. Now go make something!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Holding the Book

What a great surprise in the mail today...a copy of my book! I'm so thrilled. It looks amazing! This is the start of a big weekend launching my book at CHA. Monday and Tuesday I'll be at the F&W booth doing demos. Macrame for the masses!! And of course I'll get pictures. Maybe I'll even figure out how to post them.

Still working on the screen printing scene upgrade with the addition of a light table/exposure unit. Whoo hoo! But now I must make beads...and shouldn't you go make something too?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

more on CHA

So I get an email today from the good folks at CHA to announce the celebrities that will be in attendance. Well, on Sunday Paris Hilton will be there to promote her new craft line. Huh? Hey, I've been saying...if there's ever an industry that can survive an economic downturn it's crafting. Let's hope go make something!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Congratulations America!!
We have a new president!! Let's party!!! I just had to share my happiness and hope. Thanks!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Howdy Crafters!!
Just one week away from CHA and I'll be there to promote my new book, Mod Knots. Whoo freakin' hoo!! I'll be demoing macrame on Monday and Tuesday of the show. You've never seen so many different crafts and stuff for crafts in one place. Amazing!!

Also, I've started getting my screen printing scene together. I've printed some t-shirts for the fabulous Battery Museum located at my boyfriend's store, Future Music. I'll be printing some macrame boards for CHA next.

And don't forget to check etsy for my new goodies I've posted, at There's always some cute sweet treats or monsters...

And lastly, I am so excited about our new President and the Inauguration on Tuesday! It's a new beginning for a country. Yay!!

Now go make something!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Welcome to 2009!! I am so excited about the new year and our new president starting work to fix the mess made by the out-going guy. I'm getting set up to do a bunch of screen printing. I'll be starting with t-shirts in the next couple of days and will be moving onto other surfaces soon.

And then there is that book thing that's happening this year!! My book, Mod Knots is coming out in May. Whoo freakin' hoo!! For any of you out there that'll be going to CHA, I'll be demoing and signing some books a couple of the days. Check back for the exact times. And you can pre-order my book on or or a bunch of other online book seller. It's pretty cool.

Also, check my web site, for any up-coming classes or shows I'm doing. There is a class at the San Gabriel Bead Co this Thursday evening on macrame...sign up while there's still time and space. And check my etsy store, for new bead and jewelry goodies. I'll be opening up a new etsy store soon. and it'll have t-shirts (go figure) and other printed goodies, jewelry kits and tutorials, and supplies, both commercial and vintage and handmade. It's going to be a craft general store of sorts. It should be fun.

That's all for now. I've got cupcake beads to make. And now you should go and make something!!!